ARCAD INC. التطبيقات

Arc Flash Calculator Labeling 1.0.2
The Arc Flash Analytic software has been developed based onIEEE1584 Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations as aneasyto use and comprehensive tool for calculating incident energyandarc flash boundary, for determining limited, restricted,prohibitedapproach boundaries and hazard risk category required byNFPA 70E,NEC / CEC and OSHA when work is to be performed on or neartheenergized equipment. The IEEE 1584 empirically derived modelwaschosen for arc flash analysis due to the model's capabilitytoaccurately account for a wide variety of setupparametersincluding: * open and box equipment configurations *grounding ofall types and ungrounded * gap between conductors of 3to 152 mm. *short circuit currents in the range of 700A to 106kA *system linevoltages in the range of 208V to 15kV * workingdistances from 10to 80 inches For cases where voltage is over 15kVor gap is outsidethe range of the model, the theoretically derivedLee method can beapplied and it is included in iAFA V1.0 The arcflash softwaretakes equipment configuration, gap betweenelectrodes, groundingtype, short circuit fault current value andsystem voltage oninput, and determines arcing fault current atpotential point offault. For protective devices operating in thesteep portion oftheir time-current curves, a small change incurrent causes a bigchange in corresponding operating time.Incident energy is linearwith time, and consequently arc currentvariations may have a bigeffect on incident energy. The IEEE 1584proposed solution is tomake two arc current and energycalculations: one using thecalculated expected arc current andanother one using a reduced arccurrent that is 15% lower. The arcflash software enablescalculations for both of the above consideredcases. The iAFA arcflash software predicts arcing fault current fora givenconfiguration and amount of the available 3-phase shortcircuitcurrent. Next, the incident energy, arc flash boundary,shockprotection boundaries and level of personnel protectiveequipmentare determined based on equipment configuration, selectedupstreamprotection device ratings and working distance. Benefits:*Detailed analysis using the IEEE 1584 equations and the Leemethod* Collect information, take photos of switchgear, MCC's etc.duringfield walk-downs * Instantly determine arcing current,incidentenergy, arc flash, limited, restricted, prohibitedapproachboundaries, hazard risk category, typical clothing system *Addfuse and circuit breaker data includingtime-currentcharacteristics for the devices that are not alreadyfeatured inthe built-in protection device library *Calculator-style interfacemakes complex calculations easy tounderstand * Provide a saferworking environment by specifying theproper level of personalprotective equipment. Wearing inadequateclothing is dangerous forobvious reasons, but wearing too muchclothing is dangerous due tolimited mobility and visibility *Design safer power systems whileinsuring compliance with NEC110.16, OSHA, NFPA 70E, IEEE P1584 andCSA Z462 standards andregulations * Avoid potential fines, lostproductivity, andincreased insurance and litigation costs * Setarc duration cut-offin the 2 to 10 second range * EvaluateThreshold Incident Energy fora Second Degree Burn * Generate arcflash warning labels in highresolution graphic format * Createwarning labels in English and avariety of international languages* Save input configurations,equipment image for future reference *Send extended reportincluding equipment data, calculation results,arc flash label *Perform analysis using metric, imperial units
Short Circuit Fault Current 1.0.1
Short Circuit Analytic version 1.0 mobile app performsavailableshort circuit fault current calculations in three-phaseradialpower system you are working with. The app takes intoconsiderationall of the key electrical parameters of powerdistribution systemincluding power supply, cables, transformers,generators andmotors. The source can be set as a transformer supplyor a busbarwith a specified short circuit level. If a transformersource isused, the short circuit level on the primary side can beset toinfinity by setting the data field blank. Add components oneby oneto build up a single line diagram. The components can becables,transformers, ligting loads, electrical devices, motorsandgenerators. After a component has been added, its data canbeedited by tapping the component when displayed on the screen.Tapon 'Run Analysis' button to calculate available 3-phaseandphase-to-phase short circuit current values and fault X/R ratioateach busbar. Additional information about SCA V1.0 mobile andthecomprehensive method for short circuit analysisSimplepoint-to-point short circuit fault current calculations arecarriedout using Ohm's law and equipment resistance values. Todeterminefault current at various locations within power system,the systemcharacteristics such as available short circuit value atserviceentrance, line voltage, transformer KVA rating andpercentimpedance, conductor characteristics are utilized. Thecalculationsbecome more complicated when resistance values arereplaced with animpedance values. For instance, transformer ratioof reactance toresistance (X/R) is used along with transformerpercent impedanceto determine X and R values on a per unit bases.Similarly, theimpedance for conductors within the electrical systemare alsobroken down into X and R components of the impedance. Thepeakasymmetric fault current is also determined by X/R ratio. Thetotalasymmetric current is a measure of the total DC component andthesymmetrical component. The asymmetrical component decays withtimeand will cause the first cycle of a fault current to be largerinmagnitude than the steady-state fault current. Also, the decayofthe DC component depends on the X/R ratio of the circuitbetweenthe source and the fault. Knowing the fault X/R ratio isessentialwhen selecting electrical and protection equipment. Forexample,all low-voltage protective devices are tested atpredetermined X/Rratios. If the calculated X/R ratio at any givenpoint in theelectrical distribution system exceeds the tested X/Rratio of theovercurrent protective device, alternate gear withadequate X/Rrating should be considered or the device effectiverating must bereduced. Features and Capabilities: 1. Calculate3-phase,phase-to-phase short circuit currents at each bus withinyour powerdistribution system 2. Determine maximum available shortcircuitcurrent, the amount of maximum upstream short circuitcurrent andthe minimum available short circuit current contributedby onesource only. Both the available short circuit current (ASCC)andthe part of ASCC through protection device current valuesarerequired for comprehensive arc flash hazard analysis using NFPA70Eand IEEE 1584 methods 3. Compute contributions from generatorsandmotors 4. Add North American wire gauge cables as wellasinternational cables 5. Perform comprehensive shortcircuitanalysis by taking into account both active and reactiveparts ofequipment impedance 6. Determine fault X/R ratio at eachbus 7.Save, rename, duplicate single-line diagrams and equipmentdata 8.Export, import one-line diagrams and all the equipment dataforeasy sharing 9. Send calculation results and capturedsingle-linediagrams by email